biola grad photos: dasha

I’ve met Dasha when she started college at CSU Bakersfield. I have always marveled at her “take life by the horns” attitude and the way she lives her life in accord with who she really is, rather than who others say she should be. Like how she’ll go swimming in the ocean if she wants to, even if others aren’t into it and are worried about their hair. Or her bravery in how she speaks with friends to tell them that she really does love them. This girl is pure amazingness and I’m itching to see what the future holds for her.

So when I was in LA last, I drove down to Biola where she is graduating from and explored the campus a bit. We did some traditional cap and gown ones, and of course some with a gigantic Jesus (only available upon request), but I especially love the collection Luis Obispo Senior Photographer San Luis Obispo Senior Photographer San Luis Obispo Senior PhotographerSan Luis Obispo Senior PhotographerSan Luis Obispo Senior PhotographerSan Luis Obispo Senior Photographer San Luis Obispo Senior PhotographerSan Luis Obispo Senior Photographer San Luis Obispo Senior PhotographerSan Luis Obispo Senior PhotographerSan Luis Obispo Senior Photographer San Luis Obispo Senior PhotographerThis last one is just her indulging me in some “hey, will you go sit over there?”. San Luis Obispo Senior Photographer

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